[Scriptoris] Fw: [Ansteorra] Award Insignia Needed and Upcoming Insignia Competition at Coronation

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed May 28 14:52:06 PDT 2008

> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 23:08:17 EDT
> From: Lightfootcim at aol.com
> Subject: [Ansteorra] Award Insignia Needed and Upcoming
> Insignia
> 	Competition	at Coronation
> To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
> Unto the Ansteorran Artisans and Populace, Greetings!
> Have you ever wondered where those nifty trinkets that you
> get with awards  
> come from?  Have you ever marveled as you or someone you
> know has gotten an  
> award with a neat medallion, band or cord and wondered who
> made that special  
> gift to go along with said award?  Well, my fellow
> artisans, the answer is  
> right in front of your nose (if you were standing in front
> of a mirror) --  YOU!!!!
> I send this missive as I have become aware of a need for
> award insignia in  
> the Kingdom.  Metalworkers, Weavers, Woodworkers, Artisans
> of all Kinds, I  
> need your help.  The kingdom is in need of the following:
> As soon as possible:
> Compass Rose medallions
> Arc d'Or bracers
> Baronial coronets (super simple, typically a simple brass
> band that ties in  
> the back)
> What we need more of:
> King's Archers
> Any of the medallion insignia (Thistles, Comets, Cranes,
> Talons, Rising  
> Stars)
> To help *ahem* stimulate insignia making, I would like to
> announce the  
> following:
> The contest will be broken down into two categories:
> Quantity and  Quality.  
> That is to say, who can make the most insignia and who
> makes the  best 
> insignia!
> To persuade artisans there will be a wonderful prize
> awarded to both  
> winners! (We still have to figure out what the prizes are,
> but trust me they  will be 
> I would like to thank Countess Sara Penrose for bringing
> this to my  
> attention and asking me to co-sponsor the contest at
> Coronation.
> If you have any questions, or need ideas, please feel free
> to visit the  
> insignia website at
> _http://scribe.ansteorra.org/insignia.html_ 
> (http://scribe.ansteorra.org/insignia.html)  or  you can
> email me at _lightfootcim at aol.com_ 
> (mailto:lightfootcim at aol.com) 
> In Service,
> HL John Lightfoot 
> Ansteorran Insignia Deputy

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