[Scriptoris] Working on a medieval/modern "fusion" project...

Elaine eshc at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 7 12:42:21 PST 2008


Slightly off the track------
I particularly like and have found the following books for hand  
lettered alphabets (that are historical/complete) of invaluable worth:

1. Hermann Deggering's book "Lettering,"
2. John Woodcock's (intro by Stan Knight)'s "A Book of Formal Scripts"
3. Michelle P. Brown's  "A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from   
Antiquity to 1600"

(So many of the calligraphy books out there are just a modern  
calligrapher's interpretation of our period scripts.-L's personal  
opinion and guilty author!)
Anyone else wanna share favorites for study/reference?
Or study techniques/execution short-cuts?


Lete Bithespring
Steppes, Ansteorra

On Nov 7, 2008, at 12:29 AM, Giertrud Gyldenstierne wrote:

> http://giertrud.110mb.com/illuminate.html
> Need input.
> Double click for extra letters of the same kind!
> YIS,
> Giertrud Gyldenstierne
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