[Scriptoris] SCA dates change on May 1st to AS XLIV

Carletta da Nicolosi carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 7 13:49:08 PDT 2009

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Yes...I needed the reminder.

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Scriptoris] SCA dates change on May 1st to AS XLIV
To: "Ansteorran_Scribes" <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Scribes" <scribes at castle.org>, "Scribes_Yahoo" <sca_scribes_and_illumination at yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 11:06 AM

Greetings Scribes, 
As I'm preparing a scroll for my kingdom's upcoming coronation needs, I'm suddenly reminded that the SCA date is about to change on May 1st, from 
Anno Societatus XLIII (43) to Anno Societatus XLIV (44). 

Figured a reminder to the rest of you scribes working on scrolls for the next coming months maybe in order, if you forgot like I did. 

Cheers, Hillary / Ansteorra
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