[Scriptoris] 30th Year Scribal History display

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon May 18 18:08:40 PDT 2009

Greetings Scribes of Ansteorra, 
This July 9th through 12th, Ansteorra is having a birthday party for 30 years as a kingdom:

During the event, a Scribal History display will be held on Friday and Saturday.  Come see ancient Ansteorran award scrolls.  View award texts from earlier days.  

Scribes - please bring your portfolios to share and display, space permitting.  I'm especially interested in images of year works.  
Please RSVP if you plan to display so I can be sure to have plenty of table space.  

See you there, Hillary Greenslade 
Scribal Historian

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