[Scriptoris] a call for scrolls!

Duncan Hepburn duncan at stormypetrel.org
Tue May 11 06:54:17 PDT 2010

This is not the typical call I would be making for scrolls. This call is 
not for the scribes who make them, but instead for the peers, nobles, 
and other gentles who have received at some point an original piece of 
art in the form of an award scroll.

So, you have this awesome piece of art on your wall, lovingly created by 
a talented scribe, to whom you owe a great debt of gratitude. But alas, 
because it rests on a a wall in your home, only a few select guests get 
the chance to see this amazing work.

How can you show your pride in your award and allow a greater audience 
to the award scroll? Well, if you happen to be going to Coronation this 
weekend, I can help you out. I have arranged for table space for the 
display of original award scrolls specifically to try to show the 
kingdom that we have some amazing artists whose work doesn't reach the 
audience it could, due to it's personal nature.

So if you can manage it, please pack that scroll along with your fine 
court garb and bring it with you to Coronation, and leave it in my care 
to be on display for the day. As Star Signet Herald, I believe that in a 
way the spectacular artwork that our College of Scribes produces is a 
treasure of the kingdom, so what better day than a Coronation to show of 
that which has enriched our kingdom so.

Thank you for your time.

Duncan Hepburn
Star Signet Herald
Head of the Ansteorran College of Scribes and Illuminators


Azure a saltire dovetailed ermine.
~ Melior Quam Nonnullum ~

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