[Scriptoris] Fwd: [SCA_S&I] Fwd: KWHSS 2011 - A Call for Papers
Duncan Hepburn
duncan at stormypetrel.org
Mon Apr 18 11:16:03 PDT 2011
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mathilde Poussin <mathilde.poussin at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Subject: [SCA_S&I] Fwd: KWHSS 2011 - A Call for Papers
To: ekheralds at eastkingdom.org, EKHerEd at yahoogroups.com,
SCA_Scribes_and_Illumination at yahoogroups.com, ekscribes at yahoogroups.com
Please forward where appropriate.
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: E. L. Wimett <silverdragon at charleston.net>
Date: Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 3:07 PM
Subject: KWHSS 2011 - A Call for Papers
To: SCAHRLDS at listserv.aol.com
In addition to a wide array of classes, the forthcoming KWHSS will
provide a forum for armorial, onomastic and scribal scholarship
through publication of formal Proceedings. We are actively soliciting
well-documented papers which will advance the state of knowledge in
Society heraldry and scribal studies whether such advancement takes
the form of research into medieval practice, techniques for the
improvement of procedures, implementation of new technology for
scribes and heralds or documentation of the history of the College of
Arms or the various kingdom Colleges.
The deadline for receipt of completed papers is 1 June, 2011. If
desired, authors may submit abstracts for works currently in progress
but not yet complete for consideration and preliminary acceptance
through 15 May, 2011.
As the primary publication of the Proceedings will be digital, there
is no length restriction on articles or inclusion of diagrams and
illustrations (apart from the usual considerations of reproducibility
and copyright). Similarly, if an author so desires, it will be
feasible in most cases to publish underlying databases for statistical
or onomastic articles.
Please note that you do not have to teach a class or even attend KWHSS
to publish in the Proceedings. By the same token, the fact that you
are teaching a class in the heraldic or scribal tracks does not mean
that an article derived from that class will automatically be accepted
for the Proceedings if it does not meet the standards for content and
documentation set for non-class-related articles.
Submissions and any questions regarding the Proceedings may be
addressed to me via email at silverdragon at charleston.net. (Technology
allows us to accept submissions using many formats and methods of
delivery, but it would be advisable to consult with us in advance if
emailed attachments are not feasible or if you wish to use less common
formats for text or illustrations.)
Your servant,
Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane, Metron Ariston Herald
P.S. Please do not hesitate to crosspost this missive to any lists
where you feel it may be relevant!
Qui s'y frotte s'y pique.
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