[Scriptoris] Round Table Topics

Star Signet star-signet at herald.ansteorra.org
Fri Aug 5 11:43:42 PDT 2011

Good Day,

I wanted to finally get the notes/comments and list of items discussed in
the Scribes meeting out.  The full list will be in the Black Star.  I am
posting those that we talked about and either need input, or everyone needs
to be aware of.

*CoS Website*

    1. Keeping the contact information updated
      2. Charters

                                                               i.      Upload
painted examples of each type of scroll for new Scribes to use as references

                                                             ii.      Keep
the list of needed scrolls up-to-date

                                                            iii.      List
the retired scrolls to alleviate any confusion

 *Regional Signets*

    1. Scroll Tracking

                                                               i.      Keep
track of the # of each type of scroll handed out and provided to Star Signet

                                                             ii.      This
provides the ability for the CoS to determine shortages of scroll (we seem
to be handing out and completing more of certain types than others)

                                                            iii.      There
is a shortage of Talons and AOA’s

    1. What works and why?

                                                               i.      Gather
information on classes Scribes/Guilds are interested in

                                                             ii.      Try to
determine why certain scroll styles are preferred by our Scribes


*New Charters*

    1. New scrolls from Master Baron Duncan’s competition ready for
      circulation on/or before November 2011
      2. Next New Charter design competition for Talons at Steppes 12thNight
      *Original Scrolls*

    1. More education to help Scribes interested in creating originals
      2. Promote joint work cooperation (Calligraphers working with

   1. *Education*
      1. Classes at events focused on specific topics (calligraphy, original
      designs, etc)
      2. Video Tutorials such as white work, calligraphy, etc uploaded to
      the website

   1. *Scribal Quarterly Workshops*
      1. Have quarterly Scribal workshop outside events that focus on
      skills, sharing information, etc
      2. Central locations to consider are  Bryn Gwlad and
      3. We need to start looking at a date

In Service to the Dream,

Lady Viviana Rowntree
Star Signet Herald

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