[Scriptoris] Star Signet Announcement - charter design competition winners

Duncan Hepburn duncan at stormypetrel.org
Wed Feb 9 18:51:13 PST 2011

I would like to thank everyone that created new charter designs for the
competition I sponsored. The response was great. Thanks to your efforts, the
kingdom will soon have 15 new designs to be painted.

The competition had 4 categories, and the winners are:

non-armigerous: Ld Biau-douz de la Mere and Baroness Therese d’Ivoire -
Sable Falcon
armigerous: Countess Deanna della Penna - Sable Talon
baronial service award: Baroness Katheryn Cunningghame - Order of the Oak
grant level: Baroness Khayra bint Tahir ibn Rashid - Iris of Merit

Each of these winners will receive a gift certificate to the art supply
store of their choice.

In service to the Kingdom and the College of Scribes,

Baron Duncan Hepburn, OL WSA
Star Signet Herald

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