[Scriptoris] Prize Document Texts

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 20:10:34 PDT 2012

Greetings all,
   A couple of months ago, there was discussion about compiling text for
Prize scrolls.  With the permission of Mistress Serena and the Star Signet,
I will be taking on this project.  If you have done any prize scrolls for
Kingdom Tournaments (Gulf Wars Rose Tourney, Ansteorran Squires Tourney,
Defenders of the Roses, Pennsic Rapier, etc) that are NOT official
championships (they're already taken care of), please contact me.
   Just send images of the scroll's text or a document containing just the
wording and I will create the database.  If you based the wording on
something from period, please let me know.  I think that would make a great
   Please send me these at brianoftheloch at gmail.com.  Thanks!

In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam

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