[Scriptoris] [Marginalia] Illuminations: The Private Lives of Medieval Kings

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 14:49:43 PDT 2012

FYI - Hillary

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ian Green <ianthegreen01 at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2012 9:19 PM
Subject: [SCA_S&I] Fwd: [Marginalia] Illuminations: The Private Lives of Medieval Kings

Forwarded from another list:


If you didn't catch it on SCAToday, there is a BBC documentary on the 
history of British illuminated manuscripts as they were influenced by 
the monarchy from approx 600 - 1550. Lots of beautiful manuscripts and 
some vignettes on parchment making, book binding, astrology, and other 
topics as illustrated in period manuscripts. Not very deep coverage as 
you might expect from a popular work. The YouTube posting is in 6 parts 
of approx 30 min each. The original was 3 one-hour segments. It is 
available in 780p HD which makes it great to stop the playback and 
admire the artwork.

Link to Part 1 is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wl7gPDAelY&feature=relmfu
Magister Galenus Ockhamnesis
Friar Galen of Ockham, OP
A Study in Natural Philosophy: http://medievalscience.org
Chirurgeon's Point: http://chirurgeon.org <http://chirurgeon.org/>



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