[Scriptoris] BAM - 2 aides needed

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 13:33:56 PST 2012

If you are heading to BAM this weekend, I'm in need of two assistants under the BFT on Saturday. 
Two shifts are available:   9-12  and 12-3.  
*Help populace receive voting beads for Populace A&S voting. 
*Help sign in and display the Charter Contest Scrolls.
*Help put names on the Shakey Knees scrolls, if you are able to do calligraphy
  (the calligraphy is an extra bonus task, but if you can help with the others, I can do the calligraphy). 
Let me know if interested, 
Cheers, Hillary

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