[Scriptoris] KWHSS 2013 Classes

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 17 16:08:36 PDT 2013

Forwarded, Hillary

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 13:04:33 -0500
From: S L Niemann <slniemann at gmail.com>
To: heralds lists
Subject: [ANSTHRLD] KWHSS 2013 Classes

Please cross post as possible - apologies for the spam (Please note new
email addresses for the class coordinators).

KWHSS Co-Steward
Greeting to the Heralds and Scribes of the Known World from HL Snorri
Hallsson and Master Cynric of Bedwin!

This year's Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is being hosted by
the Kingdom of Ansteorra June 28-30, 2013 in the Barony of Bjornsborg (San
Antonio, TX), and our plans for what promises to be a wonderful weekend are
gearing up quickly.

We are calling for instructors for both heraldic and scribal classes
throughout the Known World to bring this Symposium to life. If you would
like to teach a class, please send an email to:
Scribal Classes (Cynric) at: rgferrell at gmail.com 
Heraldic Classes (Snorri) at: gyronnygeek at gmail.com
- SCA Name:
- Real Name:
- Contact:
- Phone:
- Kingdom:
- Title of class
- Level of class (beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, etc.)
- Prerequisites, if any
- Length of class
- Size limit, if any
- Class description
- Cost for materials, if any
- Any special requirements, if any

Please note that at this time it appears that we will have limited
availability of A/V equipment, so if you need this to teach your class,
please let us know ASAP so that arrangements might possibly be made for

The website for the event is
http://kwhss.sca.org/ or  http://bjornsborg.ansteorra.org/event/kwhss.html
for more information.

A tentative listing of classes that have been submitted will be available
on the website soon.

We look forward to hearing from you. Snorri & Cynric

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