[Scriptoris] Charter News!

Star Signet star-signet at herald.ansteorra.org
Wed Jun 5 05:13:56 PDT 2013

Good morning!

Recently, new Masters Sets of our Charters were made and delivered to our
Regional Signets, and our new Regional Charter Deputies (to whom you may
also go to get charter blanks and turn in charters, as they are here to
assist in this task.)

Along with this new printing, we have both added new charters, and retired
some old charters (to make room for further new charter designs). This will
be the first set of new charters, so people feel welcome to continue to
submit new designs.

The New Charters are coded as follows:
King's Archery - KA-03
Sable Falcon - SF-04
Sable Thistle - ST-12

The *Retired *Charters are as follows:
Golden Lance - GL-02
Sable Thistle - ST-06
Sable Thistle - ST-07
Sable Thistle - ST-09

*What should I do with Old or Retired Charters?*
*1.  *Feel free to use old stock of any charter* that was not retired* if
they are good copies (IE you rub fingers on them and they don't smudge ink,
and they aren't freckled everywhere with spots, and they are on the good
paper). These are still good and should be painted before requesting new
copies of the same charters so we do not waste good charter blanks.

*2. Old Retired Charters* can be used as Practice Charters! And teaching
tools. That way they do not go to waste. Please mark them clearly as
"Practice Charters" but these can certainly be given out to anyone for
practice. Any particularly nicely painted ones can still be turned in
(marked as Retired and Practice) in the advent that Golden Scroll may need
them to replace old or lost scrolls of members of the populace.

*Who are the new Regional Charter Deputies?*
In each Region we now have one Charter Deputy who has kindly agreed to
assist with Charter distribution, to increase availability of persons
handing out blanks and collecting painted charters. You may seek out these
good gentles as well as your Regional Signets for this purpose. For all
other regional scribal matters, please address those to your Regional

*Regional Charter Deputies:*
Northern Region - Master Cassius Lepus
Central Region - Master Duncan Hepburn
Southern Region - Mistress Hillary Greenslade

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing more of the wonderful work produced
by our scribes and illuminators!

with joy in service,
Lillias MacGuffin
Star Signet

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