[Scriptoris] Round Table

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 11:06:42 PST 2014

Hillary here - sadly, no, will not be able to attend this weekend due to work deadlines.  Typically have to take a day off work on Friday to make the trip and can't do that this week.   
Ya'll travel safe, looks like could be in for an icy, wet, cold trip on Friday/Sat.   

From: Sara Penrose <kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org>
>To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>; "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 12:50 AM
>Subject: [Scriptoris] Round Table
>Hi all!
>I noticed that there are a lot of scribal and heraldic activities on the
>class list for Round Table/wInterkingdom. Out of curiosity, how many of us
>on this list plan to attend the event?
>I will be there, and am looking forward to seeing you all!
>Scriptoris mailing list
>Scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org

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