[Scriptoris] Fwd: Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium

Sara Penrose kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org
Thu May 22 15:27:55 PDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Penrose <kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org>
Date: Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:23 AM
Subject: Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium
To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <
heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>

Hi all!

The date for the Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium has officially
been approved for August 2, so if you are not planning on making the long
trek to Pennsic, I hope you will join us for a fun day of heraldic and
scribal activities instead.

The Barony of the Steppes is our gracious sponsor, and Lord Richard Stewart
of Saint Andrews (Tressure) is the event steward.

Richard (tressure at herald.ansteorra.org) is also coordinating the heraldic
class tracks. HL Lillias (star-signet at herald.ansteorra.org) is coordinating
the scribal tracks.

Stay tuned for more event details, but in the meantime, please pencil us in
on your calendars, and contact the class coordinators if you would like to
teach at the event.


Sara Penrose
Star Principal Herald

Sara Penrose
Star Principal Herald

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