[Scriptoris] Scribe Wordfame from LPT

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 09:01:59 PDT 2014

Sharing some Scribal wordfame from the Laurel's Prize Tourney this last weekend... 

* Biau-douz de la Mare, of Bordermarch, was awarded the Iris of Merit of Ansteorra.  

* Katerine le Roux d'Anjou (formerly know as Katarzyna Nikolaieva) was offered entry into the Order of the Laurel, I believe the ceremony is to take place at Namron next month.  

There were so many wonderful original scribal artisans displaying at LPT, it was mind blowing the quality of the work.   
Congrats to all who displayed and Vivat to the scribes who received acknowledgement last weekend!  

Cheers, Hillary

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