SR - Raven's Fort meeting

Gail Taylor gtaylor at
Sat Apr 18 14:27:48 PDT 1998

> In the "requirement" for being a committee member- Having 5 yrs of SCA
> experience was brought up, along with mandatory email (which was shot down
> pretty quick). 3yrs instead of 5 was also suggested.

If this committee is being generated in response to particular needs, and a
person would be chosen to be on it because of a particular talent, it seems to
me that an SCA-age requirement is...errrrr...questionable.  Of course, this
would not bother anyone who had been in the Society for ages, but for us 2 year
olds (2 7/12th ?), such a thing would seem very much like having a door slammed
in our faces...and I've never set high hopes nor a strong desire on committee
membership.  If you want the support of your newer SCA members, I really wonder
if you want to start creating this type of barrier, which is not based on skill,
true experience, or anything that that someone can control.  Six months in the
SCA would probably be too soon...but 3-5 years?  I cannot think of many mundane
jobs that require that length of training.


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