SR - Let's get started!
Pug Bainter
pug at
Wed Apr 8 05:34:50 PDT 1998
Conor mac Cinneide said something that sounded like:
> I would like to make a proposal here, and I am going to repeat it at
> the Ffynnon Gath Event meeting, if I can get there.
> While we discuss the idea of a principality, why not start with some
> changes for our region.
Good Morning,
I propose that we go even further with it. Why not do everything
*except* have the Coronet list.
Let's have all the Regionals do the work that the Principality would
require. If the current Regional is unwilling/unable, then someone
needs to volunteer to help them.
Let's have Regional events where we all *work* together and not just
play together.
Not only that, but let's give it a trial period of 1 year or more.
After that, we can decide if we still want to be a Principality. Of
course this trial time period can not start til we have input from more
groups/individuals than those on-line. (Bryn Gwlad is spoiled with
having a high percentage of its populace on-line.)
Basically we'll be handfasted for a year to see if we can live with
the marriage without getting a divorce. I'd rather be the couple whom
never gets married but lives together for ever than the couple that
gets a divorce in 3 years because they can't stand to look at each
I suggest that we just do this as the Southern Region and worry about
other groups *if* we get through the year without killing each other.
I do not suggest that we become a Crown Principality since it would be
worse psychologically to have it fail than a Region with a name.
Btw, this is just how Ansteorra got started. As a named region that
tried to do all the work necessary before becoming a Principality.
There is a very good precedence for it working.
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something
Barony of Bryn Gwlad | graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with
House Flaming Dog | vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at | beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
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