SR - Principality Work Mirage (long but important)

Tim Lozos dentim at
Sat Apr 11 07:09:55 PDT 1998


Gee, Donal, why dont you tell us how you *really* feel? You can come out of
your shell and share here.....

Honestly, I think your points are well taken but the snide way you make them
only makes people roll their eyes.

>Well, Deiterich, I'd like to put in my vote for a more-than-semiannual

I agree. A quarterly paper would be good.

>> year, at minimum, we have to put out a newsletter.  I chatted up former
>> kingdom chronicler, Baron Theodoric, about it and he said it would be about
>> as difficult as publishing the flyer for a good event...

Why do you disagree? I dont see the need for a *P* newsletter to be any high
dollar thing. Did you see the Event letter for Lyoness? It was very well done.

>> possibly less as
>> the subscription could hardly be a great deal higher than 219... our current
>> paying headcount.
>Hmmm. Seems to me you are making the assumption that the proposed
>principality borders will be the ones _you_ want. Kind of

Donal, are you trying to be inflammatory on purpose?  We've been though many
different border proposals and nothing is set. I belive the good Knight was
using a known number to extrapolate a possible amount of work, related to
the OP etc. 

>> to perform their tasks so there's no new work there.  We'd have to
>> have heraldry and names submissions for 'all those Principality arms and
>> awards'... wait a second- that's only about 10 submissions
>How many awards are you planning on? The kingdom is already too
>obsessed with cookies, now you want to add more?

Your opinion about the number of awards in the kingdom is noted. Please look
at other kingdom's award listings (avail. at and you will
notice that we have much less awards than average. Principality awards could
go along the same lines as the kingdom. AoA lev awards for service,a&s,and
fighting. some non-armig awards....

(snip of OP stuff)

>By the way, Mistress Rose Cathan, the new Sable Scroll (713/523-3780),
>tells me that we are dangerously low on all kinds of award scrolls. If
>you can color between the lines, please contact her and help out!

Well said! Thanks for letting everyone know!!

>> Our current officers have to report already, so there's no work added there.
>> The reeve 
>Treasurer is the period term.
>> still takes care of the books and audits so there's no work added
>> there. 

Thanks for letting everyone know the period term. Since the period term is
not in use, and the one that *is* in use was used (in SCA context)
correctly, why is it that we do not use "treasurer"? 


> For those who say what a great group identity we
>have it is noteworthy that we have not had a true regional event in
>the two years I've been up here. But I digress.

Excellent point. I don't think that's a digression at all. Anyone interested
in holding the First Southern Regional Tribute???

 If you want an example of a region that plays
>together and does all those things, take a look at the Northern
>Region! They have a regular warlord tourney, they form a unit at war,
>and everyone in every branch knows all the dirty little details of
>everyone else's internal politics - and occasionally meddles in them!
>THAT'S  a group identity!

Yup, I agree. See my above comment.
>> And we get to give younger fighters the shot at being Prince before they
>> tear off and try and do the King fling thing. 
>Ahh, now we come to the only real reason.

You say that as if this is some
vast-conspiracy-to-create-as-many-viscount/ess-as-possible. Do you not
belive that it could be a Good Thing (tm) to have a testing ground for
future Crowns to practice their skills (not just martial)? To find out if
they can handle the job? I cant think of how this can *not* in the end help
the Kingdom. 


>> and a minimum of
>> *two* newsletters, 
>plus telepathy

He did say "minimum". Besides, are'nt the *P* events and stuff going to be
in the Black star?

Donal, you have your opinions on this subject just as everybody else does.
We have forums for expressing opinion beside the net. We had an excellent
meeting at Tempio, why didnt you come? We are having another at Fynnon Gath
and I think Kingdom Dance and Music, and probably an informal one at
Squires. Please attend and share your views.

I'd like to make a request of everyone. Please comment, argue, share,
express, and bellow your views  "in good faith". Allow for disagreement.
Dont pull out the inflammitory cards to swing people on emotion. Let's stick
with the facts, and if your facts differ, by all means , tell us about it.


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