SR - Principality Work Mirage (long but important)

SCOTT A WAGGONER maynedelacroix at
Sun Apr 12 01:14:59 PDT 1998

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998 10:01:14 -0500 (CDT) keandbc at (Keith
Ewing) writes:
>Timo wrote: 
>>I'd like to make a request of everyone. Please comment, argue, share,
>>express, and bellow your views  "in good faith". Allow for 
>>disagreement.Dont pull out the inflammitory cards to swing people on
>>Let's stickwith the facts, and if your facts differ, by all means ,
tell us 
>>about it.
>This is good advice for every situation. I also feel that it is one of
the chivalric  
> ideals that we all strive for, courtesy. 

Yea, and don't forget: "grow some skin!" <g>

Mayne de la Croix --- The original MiB
Gate's Edge Canton, Barony of  Stargate,  Ansteorra

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