SR - office titles, Treasurer

SCOTT A WAGGONER maynedelacroix at
Mon Apr 13 16:04:07 PDT 1998

On Mon, 13 Apr 1998 14:54:28 +1100 "Lori Campbell" <LCAMPBEL at>
>  Much as we'd like to think otherwise, many of our 
>offices exist primarily to allow us to function within the mundane 
>world.  The "period" sounding titles we assign just make them less 
>intrusive to us.  To the rest of the world, "president", "athletic 
>director" (yeah, I laughed when I heard that one, too), and 
>"treasurer"  are the only versions they would understand.

>HRH Kat
>Lori Campbell
>lcampbel at

What about the Court Jester? 

Mayne de la Croix --- The original MiB
Gate's Edge Canton, Barony of  Stargate,  Ansteorra

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