SR - Naming the Region

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Tue Apr 14 08:34:47 PDT 1998

Pendaran wrote:
> What about adding the article "de"?

Grammar and spelling are not a particular concern.  At registration
Laurel may write "This name format requires the preposition 'de'"
or "We have deleted the post-period accent" or what have you.
My question is whether there are Spanish names along those lines.
Ideally, there would be a real but obscure place named Campoleon.
Only a little less ideal, there would be multipl examples
of Leon+toponym (lion hill, lion plain, lion woods, ...) and multipl
examples of Campo+quadriped, and not just as a place where you
find those quadrupeds (griffin field, Miggs field ... sorry.
Chicago joke.), because I don't *think* there have been lions
in Spain in historic times.

In Campo di Fiori, what does "Fiori" mean?  "Field where
the Fiori family lives" is not particularly good support
for "Field of the lions": the obvious explanation for the former
(if you go there, you'll meet the Fioris, which is not all
that unexpected -- SOMEONE is likely to live there)
is most improbable for the latter (zoos were NOT common).

Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel.   Reply to tmcd at; if that fail, tmcd at
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