SR - Naming the region

Michael A. Scofield ivarcat at
Tue Aug 18 20:51:57 PDT 1998

Lyonel said:

>Several folks have recently asked, "Why don't we just go ahead and 
>choose a name for the region?"  I agree.  "Southern Region" is just 
>too bland a name to describe us.  Before I actually call for a
>unofficial vote, these are the names I have seen bandied about with 
>the greatest frequency of late:
>Champs des Lions

I agree with this short list, however, to be fair to everyone, all of the
names thus far suggested need to be on any ballot. And although I am also
tired of referring to us as the "Southern Region" I think that our best
move would to be a "special"  issue of the Lion's Tale to be used as a
ballot and information gathering tool. It appears we have a rapid means
for getting the Lion's Tale out to the different groups (except maybe
Ravensfort, but Duncan is working on that) using e-mail to agreed on
printers who then pass them out to the local populace. If another "issue"
 addressing a name for the region can be put together so everyone can get
it at their September or October meeting, we can have the vote back
before the first of November and then let Donal and the Heralds look at
it. Since this is not and can not be an official name all we need to do
is make sure it does not conflict. Then we can start calling us by the
first choice of the names on the ballot. It can be a war cry for us at
Gulf Wars.


>I'm sick of tossing these things around to no effect.  I'm going to 
>post a ballot on Friday.  If anyone wants to make any last-minute 
>additions, deletions, or corrections, speak now or live with the

I agree, but read my ramblings above.


BTW, Lyonel, have you ever been a steer wrestler? You seem to like to
take the bull by the horns! 

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