SR - A&S Issue of the Black Star

Erik Langhans modius at
Fri Dec 4 14:56:42 PST 1998

Last week I posted a call for articles for the A&S issue for the Black Star.  The response I received was telling.  None. Zero. Null.

This is a GREAT opportunity for an artisan to shine.  To do a bit of show and tell.  Please have them contact me.  Actually, I am surprised.  It seems Ansteorra must not like A&S that well.  The response was underwhelming.  Sorry if my tone rubs any of you the wrong way, just sharing some disappointment.  If I have to I will put the call out across the Known World to Laurels and Artisans alike.  I would have liked to only focus on Ansteorran A&S if possible as it is an ANSTEORRAN A&S ISSUE of the Black Star.

Master Modius von Mergenteim

Erik Langhans
10715 Brookshire Lane
Houston, TX 77041
modius at

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