SR - Lions and Eagles and Boars, Oh My!

Jodi McMaster jmcmaste at
Thu Feb 26 10:44:43 PST 1998

At 11:12 PM 2/24/98 -0600, Daniel wrote:
>Some of the more common Norse-based suffixes (or those
>English ones with Norse cognates):
>-fell: fiall, fjeld; a mountain, a hill, a wild stretch of
>    waste hill land, a moorland ridge
>-thwaite: pveit, pveiti; a piece of land, a paddock (lit. a
>    piece cut off, a piece 'thwited' or whittled off)

Then I said:

>Daniel, were those really p's or are they thorns?

To which he replied:

>The book I was quoting showed them as the letter p, not

And went on to explain the ASCII designations he had would use for a thorn.

Why the recap?  I was having a worry attack about whether I'd confused
thorns and edhs--which I then transferred to concern that I'd given
offense.  I only asked because I've come across texts where a thorn was
misprinted as a "p"--and it had listed "th-" as an alternate.

I apologize if it appeared to be a slighting remark as to Daniel.

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