SR - Principality Discussion

Dennis and/or Dory Grace amazing at
Fri Feb 27 10:23:22 PST 1998

Meadhbh wrote:
>Just got on the list.  I noticed that a meeting with the crown is
>already being discussed in reference to a principality. Isn't this
>moving a bit too fast?   My concerns are that this is a region that
>doesn't play like a region.  Many people in the smaller groups will get
>drawn up into the excitment without understanding what is actually
>happening!!  Wouldn't it be better to figure out a regional name and
>develop a regional identity before moving onto principality status?

No, no--what was suggested was a meeting *at* Crown, not *with* the Crown!
Whew! We're just talking about when and where would be a good place to have
a meeting where folks from the region can discuss  Principality stuff.

>Have ALL groups in the region been contacted about this? Which groups
>are they? Have the seneschals in all the groups discussed this with
>their populace?

That's also been talked about. I think we have sample folks from most of
the Southern groups subscribed to this list, but we're asking around. It's
been suggested that all the Southern groups introduce the discussion at
their next business/populace meeting so that basic questions can be fielded
and incipient misconceptions can be addrressed and some of the basics
(rules, paperwork, timeframes, etc) can be adddressed. *Then* we'd all be
able to go into a larger-format meeting where the participants are much
better informed and able to discuss and participate productively than if we
just held a Principality discussion meeting out of the blue. Now *that*
would be a an invitation to chaos, IMHO. ;->

 AND how does the populace of all these groups feel about
>principality status! NOT necessarily the members of this mailing list or
>any other internet group feel.

One of the precise reason why it's been suggested that it be brought up at
each group's business/populace meetings.

 >Now, once that is done, then a regional
>name should be chosen, boundries decided, etc.  

Right now we're working from a basic assumption that the new Principality
will roughly follow Southern regional lines. Some folks have expressed an
interest in including the West as well, though we've yet to here much from
them in response. One Westerner I mentioned this to thought that perhaps
their region wasn't ready to be involved in something like this yet, but
wasn't sure how the region would respond to a formal/official kind of
invitation. So I guess we'll see, time will tell, etc. etc.

Just as a side note, even if we all were to commune with each other via the
Southern Ansteorra Collective Consciousness frequency (patent pending), a
region doesn't just go "poof" and become a Principality overnight. There's
a hefty amount of paperwork that takes time, it takes time for making
decisions about the name, the heraldry (that alone should eat up an
impressive chunk of time), plans made for how Coronet Tourneys and
Investitures will be scheduled (they could not conflict with either Crown
Tourney or Coronation, and could hopefully be scheduled to avoid conflict
with as many other large, traditional-type events as possible), issues
dealing with finances and setting up a reeve's office would have to be put
in place, plans for regalia will have to be in place (there will need to be
two sets of coronets: one set for the tanist/tanista--or whatever we plan
to call the Prince/Princess-elect, and a set for the Prince and Princess;
cloaks; pillows; thrones; etc), then, after aaaaallllll this is looked to,
then we can actually sit down and schedule when the first Coronet List
would be, and to hold an event of that caliber properly, you'd probably
want--at the *least*--6 months lead time.

Having witnessed this process once, let me assure you that becoming a
Principality isn't something that can be accomplished in any abbreviated
amount of time, not even if the vote is an overwhelming and enthusiastic
majority--or even unanimous. The logistics alone prevent the possibility
that we could act precipitously in this process. 

That all said, I agree with Pug (aarrghhh! not again!! ;->) that holding
the Principality discussion at Hero of the Temple is a better idea than
trying to cram it into the already-full scheduling at Crown Tourney. I also
tend to agree with the suggestion that mention of the meeting be in the
event announcement so interested folk can come and talk. That very well
might make it a more well-attended event for Tempio as well, which might be
nice for them. Anyone know what the latest word might be on that plan?


Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytyvylus & warrior crone
amazing at
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