SR - Middleford's Straw Poll -Reply

Dennis and Dory Grace amazing at
Thu Jul 2 14:37:05 PDT 1998

to my:
>Wow. You guys are the only group with those kinds of stats. So if we end up
>going principality, which region do you think you guys would go with,
>Central Region or Western Region (if Western doesn't join us)?

Talon asks:  
>What made you ask that question so soon in the game?

Curiosity? I thought to myself, "gee, I wonder what they'd decide to do,"
so I asked.

>Why should you care about Middleford.  No one in the Region does.

I have absolutely no idea how to respond to that. I'm sorry you feel that way.


Haven't been fishing in a long time, though I always did find it a-luring.
;->  We might even catch something if you don't eat all the worms. <G>

I'm not sure why you apparently read some negative or hostile connotation
into my question, because there's none there. I meant exactly what I said
and asked the exact question I was curious about. Like I said, so far every
other group's straw poll has indicated positive interest in checking out
the principality thing and your's is the first (and so far only) group in
the SR that has had a straw poll indicating an overall negative interest.
I'd be surprised if you guys *hadn't* been talking amongst yourselves; I
was just wondering if discussion of that scenario had come up and what you
guys thought you'd do if it looked like the rest of us were wanting to move
toward principality. It's a pretty plain and simple question. If you guys
haven't talked about it, you *could* say "we haven't talked about it." If
you guys have talked about it and someone's expressed an opinion, someone
*could* answer with that opinion. If you're discussing and/or debating the
issue, you *could* say "we're discussing and debating the issue." If, for
whatever reason, you think it's none of my business, you're free to say
that as well.

I gotta tell you, it's really hard to communicate when folks get so wound
up and defensive. Would you mind giving the benefit of the doubt for a bit?


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