SR - Beginning new traditions

Rollie W. Reid carcassonnais at
Tue Jul 14 00:12:22 PDT 1998

General responses to several points.

Term limits - Yea, okay.  I would prefer to see something on the order
of so many times with a few years.  Twice in four years sounds good.
That way if someone wanted to win twice, they could get it over with

Coronetting - My question is does the prince swear fealty to the
crown, like a baron?  I like the Crown doing the first coronetting and
then the coronets passing from Prince to Prince.  If the Prince does
swear fealty to the Crown, then they have a place in the ceremony any
time they want it.  If they are not present, then the Prince to travel
to him to give his fealty.

Curia - this name is often used for the council.  This one is a big
question mark.  It can help to control a bad Prince, but can hold back
a good one.  I could support the idea, but only if used to advise the
Crown on changes to the statute Law(written).  Otherwise I would
prefer to let the Prince succeed or fail on his own strengths and

That is enough this time around.


lucetis sicut luminaria in mundo

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