SR - Raven's Fort meeting

Tim Lozos dentim at
Fri Jun 5 11:38:22 PDT 1998


We had populace meeting last night in Raven's Fort.We discussed Principality
issues, the formation of a committee and had a few votes.

First off, There were 24 paid members and 9 non-members present.

Vote on -  "Do you favor forming a Principality" (in general, no specific

                For- 12
                Against- 8
                Abstain/dontknow- 13

Alot of the people didnt know much about the Principality, and had many of
the same FAQ questions. (Why? How will it affect us? Are we still
Ansteorrans? etc) We definatly need to get that FAQ and Pro/con sheet out.

This was the third populace meeting that we have had general P discussion.

Of the people at the meeting, 5 (Kief,Lorraine,Ivan,Fiona,&me) had been to
both the Tempio *and* Ffynon Gath  P meetings. Baron David and Baroness
Crystal were at the Ffynon gath meeting. I dont think anyone else present
was at either meeting, but I might be mistaken.

We talked extensivly about the formation of the committe and it's purpose. 

Some ideas were........

In the "requirement" for being a committee member- Having 5 yrs of SCA
experience was brought up, along with mandatory email (which was shot down
pretty quick). 3yrs instead of 5 was also suggested.

In the "Makeup" section we voted on.... (only positive votes- can vote for
more than one)

1 member from each group----- 8
3 member 'overview"----------- 0 (none)

and added one,  having 1 member from each group, *with*a 2-3 member "cap"
such as the regional seneschal & head mediator------ 9

I kinda like that one.

Baroness Crystal brought up discussion about the southern web page. (*PUG*
she's gonna call you) Idea was discussed about making the webpage a Southern
region entity, with group listings, event listings etc, just like the
kingdom page, instead of *JUST* principality stuff. Good Idea IMHO.

The issue of proxies was brought up, and should be included in the committee
outline. Sir Kief said that proxies should be specific(for one vote only ),
dated, and  must be reissued if that person wishes to vote by proxie at a
future meeting.

The issue of "Do we really want to do this" was brought up. That means we
should have a final "GO/NO GO" vote. My thoughts are that a committee should
be formed, with a FAQ/ PRO/ CON sheet given to the local groups. In a few
months a ballot should be held (at local populace meetings) with everyone
,member and non, voting YES or NO. The Committee then can look at the voting
and decide (if it's 50-50 or so) to dissolve itself, or (it its 70-30 in
favor) to move on to wroking on names,device, laws, etc.

I personally would not like to move on if the voting is less than 70-75%
positive. That would prevent a lot of heartache. 

We also did some preliminary voting (just for fun) on the names off of the
Southern web page. Unfortunatly my lady has those results in her car :) so
I'll post them later.
We also had a few new names thrown out....

Rayon D'Espoir (ray of hope)
Parc du' Midi   (dont remember what that ment)
had a few more, I'll post later.

I asked for people who would be interested in serving on the Committee.

HL Yoshimoto, Don Zorcon, Lady Kezia, Lady Allyson, and Lord Nikolas

Thanks for your time. 


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