SR - Naming issues, attn HERALDS

Casey&Coni cjw at
Mon Jun 22 09:04:26 PDT 1998

Hey gang,

Got a few questions for the naming-practice enlightened out there...

I was trying (with no naming resources at my disposal) to look at the
placenames in England and come up with a plausible modern name.

Things I've noticed that have gotten me wondering:

1. 'ex' as an ending... what does this mean?  Sussex, Wessex, and Essex are
obviously points of the compass on this theme, but what does the 'ex' mean?

2. 'ford' is a common ending and I'm guessing is a water crossing, thus a
small place.  Is this always the case?

3. 'mouth' is a common ending.  Is this a port term or can it be up a river
as well?  Is it generally a town or can it be a region?

4. 'ham' is a common ending but generally a larger area as in Nottingham.
How big an area can a 'ham' be?

Just batting these about I came up with:

Lionsmouth- I REALLY like this one!  Coooool heraldic opportunity for cants
and such.  If 'mouth' turns out that it can be used for an area up a river,
this may be *perfect*.

Lionsex- *giggle*

Lionham- once again the opportunity for canting is out of this world.

I'm also having a  spot of trouble finding regular endings as above for the
larger areas of land such as duchys and countys other than the suffix 'land'
which I hate.  Blah.  Can y'all think of any others?

Thanks for the help!


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