SR - Principality raison d'etre

Casey&Coni cjw at
Wed Jun 24 20:48:37 PDT 1998

In one of Lord Gillis posts, he stated many reasons he feels are being put
about as incentives in the following list, some of which actually have been
brought up and others that have not:

>> 1).  Ease the finnancial burrden on the Crown. -- Yes it is expensive
>> to be
>> the King.  Many aspects of the hobby are very expensive.  But how many
>> fought in the last Crown?  Must not be that bad or they wouldn't be
>> there.
>> And some have done it more than once.  God bless 'em, every one.

This is one of the reasons listed by many proponents.  The more affordable
it is to be king, the larger the lists will be.  As an aside, I like
competitive lists; the more people on the field the day you win a tourney
(honorably) the greater the honor.

>> 2).  Courts will be shorter. --Did all the groups suddenly get
>> smaller?
>> Eventually there will also be principality awards, thus longer courts.

This has not been an issue of contention at either of the meetings.

>> 3).  Ease the calendar.---Same number of groups, plus now there will
>> be 4
>> more blocked events at least for the principality.  In addition there
>> will
>> be principality events also.  Yes we've had some regional events
>> already,
>> but not many.  I'm sure there would be more principality ones.

This has been addressed as a 'con' issue at both discussions as well as here
on the list.  My personal rebut would be that you can step up on Sunday.
Also, there is nothing that says your list must happen every six months.  I
think every nine would be fine.  Even if you wanted stepping up to be on a
different weekend from the actual list, you could always piggyback it with
another event (perhaps a shire event, thus boosting their attendance).

>> 4)  Reduce Crown having to travel.--On the weekends that there are
>> multiple
>> events, they can't make them all any way.  I don't believe any of the
>> Crowns
>> have travelled every weekend and I do not expect them too.  There are
>> plenty
>> of Nobles that can and do help hold court for the Crown.

I can think of several crowns who have travelled *darned near* every
weekend.  It's absolutely exhausting for them.  I've seen three reigns in as
many years where the King went one direction and the Queen another...
sometimes by *plane*.  As for other nobles holding court, I put this to you:
who is better prepared to hold court- a Prince and Princess, their
entourage, herald, and vallet with all the attendant thrones, coronets,
pillows, heraldry, etc. or a court barron on short notice?  Where lies the
lions share of the pomp?

>> 5).  More pomp and etc..--We don't have all that many banner and such
>> flying
>> around now.  Why would there be more then if folks aren't doing it
>> now?

This has been discussed here on the list, but not at the meetings.  As for
pomp, see my reply to your #4 above.  Hanging banners does not necessarily
constitute pomp... it does, however, help.

>> 6).  Workers will come out of the wood work.--The Crown almost evey
>> reign
>> beggs for insignia and scrolls.  There's not enough of us now doing
>> them.
>> And soon there could be more.

This has not been addressed by anyone.  The answer lies in planning.  See
Mistress Aquillanes post on end-user feedback and group friendly regalia.

>> 7).  More chances to hold office.--If only one region makes up the
>> principality then where are the extra chances to hold office.  And if
>> two
>> regions go together, than the offices drop by half.

This reason has not been discussed at all and I'm not sure I understand it.
What *has* been brought up was that there is the distinct possibility that
the offices will gain more glamour, more limelight, and more responsibility.
The reeve will actually have an account.  The chronicler will actually
publish a letter.  Since it is a common complaint that regional offices are
hard to fill, it is speculated that this will help.

For furthur reasons, see previous posts by myself and Sir Lyonel.

Ritter Dieterich

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