SR - Re: Bjornsburg Meeting - Principality Discussionm (Long)
nolen dale
fairborn at
Tue Jun 2 15:21:15 PDT 1998
Kevin Varner wrote:
> Hello Your excellency! Yes I have heard the news as well. Consider this
> - both locations are just as important. Two of the proposals deal with
> the amalgamation of Southern and Western Regions. I believe Gothic Wars
> was a joint concensus between Sir Kief and Ld Richard of Fairbourne.
> That is at echelons above me on the decision chain. Hopefully, they are
> reading this and will comment. What about it guys????
> Duncan MacConacher
> Bryn Gwlad
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pam Martin [SMTP:martinpj at]
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 11:30 AM
> > To: southern at Ansteorra.ORG
> > Subject: SR - Re: Bjornsburg Meeting - Principality Discussionm
> > (Long)
> >
> > Guess what Duncan,
> > I was informed after the Principality meeting that there is a conflict
> > with Gothic wars. It seems that our own Southern Regional Shire of
> > Shadowlands is having an event that same weekend. Perhaps the meeting
> > should be there instead?
> > Jehanne
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Greetings unto the southern region from H.L. Richard Fairbourne. I think
Gothic Wars was chosen to see how the people in the west feel about a
southern and western principality. However it would seem to me that it
would be necessary to at least have one more meeting about a southern
region principality within the confines of the southern region. I
believe another meeting at shadowlands (another shire in the southern
region) would be a good idea before asking another region or group
outside the southern region to consider the idea of a principality. I am
not against a meeting at Gothic Wars just more in favor of a meeting at
I really believe that you should have at least THREE publicized meeting
within the Southern region,before asking another group outside the
region or another region to join in the principality idea, Just my
Opionion. If you have one at shadowlands you could have another one in
october at either Bryn Gwald Baronial Faire or Warchieftain and cavalier
of the bridge or Bjornsborg fall court or at tempio again at the tourney
of the love.
I would like to remind everyone that I am totally impartial when it
comes to this issue and I can understand while there might be some
frustration about talking over the same things that have already been
dicussed over the net, at tempio and now at Ffynnon Gath. This is really
a slow process. The only thing I might suggest to help get everyone
acquainted with what has already been discussed would be some sort of
newsletter or flyer distributed to all groups within the southern region
at populace meetings and in local newsletters. IDeally on this flyer you
would have the pro's and cons of a new principality, What possible
geographical areas would be covered in the new principality, What Kind
of Heraldry, Motto, COlors etc. Remember everytime this is discussed at
a new event some people might be hearing this first hand for the first
time. Putting something in print would go along way to geting the ball
rolling or slowing it down depending on the response from this
newsletter or flyer.
Again putting something in writing that many people can read and start
forming newer questions could speed up the process, but not might much.
If this happens it will take TIME.
Just some personal thoughts.
H.L. Richard Fairbourne
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