SR - Colors
Timothy A. McDaniel
tmcd at
Tue Jun 2 16:22:18 PDT 1998
Given the importance of wars with Trimaris and the involvement
of Meridies, I suggest that new principality colors differ from
all three kingdoms' colors (Ansteorra, black and gold;
Meridies, black and white; Trimaris, ... ummm ... blue
and white?). That is, that the two colors of a principality
not be *both* identical to another kingdom's pair of colors.
For example, I think blue and gold would be OK, because the
gold makes it distinct from Trimaris and the blue from Ansteorra.
I suggest distinction on the premise that kingdoms or
principalities have distinct tabards. If the color schemes
are distinct, you don't have to squint at the tabards to
see the charges to tell who's coming at you.
If my presmises are false -- that the Gulf War kingdoms *don't*
all use kingdom tabards, or that in practice it's no bid
deal to parse and grok a tabard design -- then my proposal
is unnecessary.
It's a minor point, but it's something to consider.
Daniel de Lincolia clericus
Tim McDaniel. Reply to tmcd at;
if that fail, tmcd at is my work account.
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