SR - next Prin. meeting

Tim Lozos dentim at
Wed Jun 3 12:21:40 PDT 1998


>I think I will be voting for you to be on the committe.  (grin)

Gee whiz, open my mouth and look what it gets me! :)

Seriously, here's what I feel would be good qualifications for committee

1. Be members in good standing. (ie: same reqs as to be officers)
2. Have Regional and/or kingdom level officer experience
3. Have email access
4. Be able to attend regional events & moderate meetings
5. Ability to be impartial and fair with both sides(all sides?)

As I said before, I dont think the committee members should vote on anything
(except the final, mailed ballot). They could decide things like pulling a
proposed Name or Device off the list because it hasnt gotten any votes or
things like that. The biggest job would be collecting the information,
deseminating the information, maintaining a connection to the Kingdom
Senechal(and Crown if nessesary), and being the "Buck stops here" point.

Heres 2 different committee makeup proposals........

 7 members would work. That way we could have one person from each different
group of the Region, at least 3-4 should be able to attend the meetings at
events, and every group would have a local contact. The bad side is thats a
bit large and could get bogged down too quickly.

3-4 members would work. Something like Don Tivar, Sir Kief, and Mistress
Aethelyan, who are all very active, traveling people with email and can be
trusted to be impartial and fair. Sir Kief,as former Star Principal, could
also help by weeding out major naming/heraldic problems. The bad side is
that not every group who be represented in a smaller committee. 

Feel free to jump in here anytime  :)


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