SR - P. Committee & FAQ team

Zimmermann, Leonard zimmerml at
Thu Jun 4 06:09:10 PDT 1998

	Yes. I am still very interested in helping out on getting the
FAQ going. I am currently in the process of downloading all of the
messages from Ansteorra Net starting in January of '97 and all of the
Southern Region archives. It's slow going since my connection to seems to be a bit slow. (I should go back to using
modems instead of a T1! ;-)) But I will be putting my text search
engines to use and cutting down the messages as well as I can to come up
with what questions have been asked so far and what ideas folks have
been putting forth. Certainly I should be able to come up with a fairly
extensive list of Pros and Cons, if nothing else. I've also gone through
Corpora and Kingdom Law and highlighted relevant points I've found so
far dealing with Principalities. If Baron Kazimir is highly involved in
drafting some initial laws for everyone to pick apart I'll certainly do
my best to look over his shoulder and get his input on some of the
"legal" issues.

	BTW, I know we are talking a lot about names, colors, heraldry,
committees and even laws, but I think most of us know that it is foolish
to think any of these things, even if we reach a consensus on the net,
are set in stone. My only hope is that we can come up with a good
starting list of these things so that we can send it out far and wide
for others to comment on, add to, change and otherwise rip to shreds. It
will at least give us a starting point of something tangible for people
to work with and get excited about. I don't care if the rest of the
Kingdom gets excited about HATING the stuff we come up with, at least
they'll be excited about it in some way! I think of the community on the
net just like any other group of friends who get together, try to make
something and then bring their ideas out for everyone else to work on,

	Great Job, Everyone!!!

	Honos Servio,
	Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
	Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio

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