SR - re: Sir Moby's suggestions
Dennis and Dory Grace
amazing at
Thu Jun 4 22:02:26 PDT 1998
Corey wrote:
>There's lots of talk about forming a committee to help in the formation
>of the principality......There's already a framework setup for
>that.....local seneshals and Kief as the regional seneshal should work
>fine! Lots of people are volunteering to work and thats fine....There's
>lots of work to be done but a committee aside from the structure that's
>already in place would be more red tape . Remember the KISS
>principle......Keep It Simple Stupid :}
An admirable frame of mind indeed. However, the framework setup you're
talking about is comprised of people who already have jobs and work that
they do on a regular basis. Unless these individuals *want* to serve on the
committee *in addition* to the work they're already doing in their offices,
it's really not fair to assume they'll just pick up this extra work and do
it, too. (Except for Kief; if we keep him busy, he might stay out of
trouble. ;-> ) Like you said, there's lots of work to be done, and it
really should be done by people who *want* to do it, like the folks are
already stepping up and taking up projects.
Besides, what are you doing posting to the list, anyway? I thought you were
grounded. <g>
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