SR - Principality Preps Task Group
maddie teller-kook
meadhbh at
Sat Jun 6 19:40:49 PDT 1998
I respectfully must disagree with this statement that not all groups need to be
represented on the 'task force'.ALL groups should have a representative working
on one or more of the projects involved (unless the group decides it does not
want a representative). Otherwise, it will seem they will be handed information
that they had no input on. Granted, this is a perception but could cause
problems in the future. This is not a 'warm fuzzy'. This is being fair and
assuring ALL groups have input in some part of the process.
As for the newsletter/FAQ... who will be paying for all of the copies that will
be distributed to the groups? Who decides what is added/deleted? Is that a
function of a 'group' or the individual in charge of the process. It seems to me
that a Task Force is a group entity NOT singular individuals with individual
assignments. I would think the Task Force would meet, go over information and
be sure there is concensus on what is being distributed. Even if this 'meeting'
is everyone gets a copy of the information, reviews it, makes any changes and
gets it back to whomever will distribute the final copies.
My 2 cents worth,
Dennis and Dory Grace wrote:
> Any information collected by folks in the Task Group will get to each group
> equally by way of FAQ or newsletter (that *is* what the group is all about,
> after all), thus avoiding the problem of "second hand" information. In
> fact, it's not even as if the Task Group will necessarily be coming
> together for any actual Task Group meetings (though I suppose they could if
> they wanted; there would really be no need for them to). However, if folk
> really feel they need the warm fuzzy of having each group appoint a special
> contact person to keep in touch with what folk in the Task Group are
> working on, fine. I've always figured that that would be the seneschal's
> job like it always is, but, hey--whatever makes people feel happy.
> Personally speaking, even if we didn't have Tivar and Aethelyan--as local
> members--doing work on the Task Group, I wouldn't feel the least bit left
> out or concerned, considering that the folk who are starting in on the
> drudge work are all people whose ability I feel confidence in. But that's
> me. I admit I sometimes have a hard time understanding overt concern on
> issues like this since my tendency is to expect good intentions from most
> folk who are willing to do grunt work.
> Aquilanne
> Almost forgot. Here's a semi-related side note I just wanted to throw out
> for contemplation. The kind of stuff the Task Group will be doing is far
> from glamorous, and 2 years after the first Coronet Tourney, only a handful
> of people will ever even remember who did the work (including those who
> actually did the work). Interesting thought, no?
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