SR - The Bonwicke/Shadowlands dilemma
Jan Van Zandt
mysticmarks at
Tue Jun 9 15:23:59 PDT 1998
Okay Dieter, don't get your tights in a wad. I never said you were
trying to make decisions. I still feel that one person should
co-ordinate the whole effort, and I still think it should be the
regional seneschal. You can have all the tea parties you want, but any
straw polls, information, input, etc. should come directly from the
Western Region to ONE representative of the Southern Region. That way
we don't get these rumors such as the Western Region is absolutely
against it or that they are all for it. I have heard it both ways in
the last few weeks. We all know that the Western Region will make its
own decisions regardless of Southern influences.
You're so cute when you do that petulent little boy act. I can just see
you stomping your feet. Makes me want to pinch your rosy cheeks.
Traditionally, the Amazon Household has meeting at this event, perhaps
we will join you for tea.
>From: "Casey&Coni" <cjw at>
>To: <southern at Ansteorra.ORG>
>Subject: Re: SR - The Bonwicke/Shadowlands dilemma
>Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 15:59:48 -0500
>Reply-To: southern at Ansteorra.ORG
>In regards to my hosting a tea and discussion at Gothic War (where I
have to
>be anyway) Lady Jan wrote:
>>We can easily end up with too many chiefs and not enough indians. We
>>need someone to be in charge of these decisions.
>What decisions? I wanna have a tea. It's for those folks who happen
>show up and want to chat or listen about principality stuff... or drink
>iced-tea on a hot day. I don't wanna make any decisions at my tea. I
>wanna talk about the stuff that's on the web page there. I also don't
>be the chief of the tea where we aren't gonna poll on anything and
where no
>decisions will be made. I anticipate more western folks than southern
>there since I gather the rest of the region will be at Shadowlands but
>anybody would be able to drink.
>I am referring to
>>someone who can impartially act as a clearing house for arrangement
>>decisions; not make principality decisions.
>I don't wanna make decisions at my tea. I wanna drink tea and pass
around a
>copy of the web page.
>Tivar has done an
>>excellent job of moderating, but the most logical person to watch over
>>and direct this action is the Souhern Regional Seneschal, Kief.
>I'm not sure that we need to get permission to talk about this stuff
>that's what we'll be doing as we sip our tea) but okay, I'll play
>Keif, can I have an unofficial discussion in my own camp under my own
>pavillion where no decisions will be made that anybody can come to who
>happens to either be interested in principalities or is thirsty? I'm a
>member of the society and I'll pay my site fee and everything. I'll be
>buying the tea, sugar, sweet-and-low, lemons, and ice with my own money
so I
>won't use up all our regional funds;) I'm going to print the web page
on my
>own paper with my own ink so as not to bankrupt us. I'll even ask the
>autocrat of the event and the Baron and Baroness if it's okay with
them. So
>can I?
>NOTE: at the same time as my iced-tea party/chat there will be an
>meeting going on in Shadowlands. Actual polling may take place there.
>party will (tentatively) be a *personal* affair. I have to be there
>I am Baron Drake's champion which is the foremost reason for me not
being in
>Shadowlands that weekend.
>Any other questions or comments? To have tea, or not to have tea...
that is
>the question.
>Ritter Dieterich
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