SR - newsletters and regional funds
carey at
Wed Jun 17 17:33:19 PDT 1998
mirrim at wrote:
> Pug wrote:
> > Is *planning* for a profit requiring a donation?
> >
> > "Oh our break-even for 200 people is $5 each, so we'll set the cost
> > at
> > $7 so we can cover the regional newsletter."
snip... I have $10.00 to this knoble efort, who do I give it to???
Sign, stuck in Austin..
.......just found out it is going to cost me 60.00 less to fix my
transmission than I thought.
> Why not put in the event flyer that this event is also a fundraiser
> for the regional newsletter. X percentage of the profits will go
> directly into an account for the newsletter.
> That way people know where their money is going If they don't like
> the newsletter idea, they can not go to the event. Or put a donation
> jar at the gate table. Or as someone else suggested, pass the hat at
> meetings.
> Mirrim
> "Practice principled acts of self-interest and ruthless logic"
> ============================================================================
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private comments mailto:carey at
In Service to A Dream
Honor / Kingdom / Baron-y / self
honor is what a man gives himself and no man can take
kingdom is where you give your loyalty
barony is where you and your closest friends play
self is to rember that we will never come this way
again and to make the most of this life, so
smell the roses and kiss a ladies hand.
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