SR - Principality????
Burke McCrory
bmccrory at
Mon Jun 22 07:31:09 PDT 1998
At 08:32 AM 6/22/98 -0500, Phelim "Pug" Gervase wrote:
>Bob Dewart said something that sounded like:
>> Please tell me in 100 words or less, "WHY?".
>'Cause people wanna play god?
>*evil grin*
>On a more serious note, a pompous herald (his words!) told a class
>something this weekend that may have been a reason in favor of doing
>a Principality. He said that only upto AoA level can be awards can be
>given by Barons and Baronesses. Is this really the case or is it just
>tradition? I couldn't find it in Corpora, but that doesn't mean it's
>not there.
Not quite true, TB can if the crown wishes, give out any award that the SCA
has to offer. It is just the Ansteorran custom that usually Grant level
and above are given out by the Crown. There have been cases where grant
level awards and above have been given out by TB. Also, on occasion the
Crown has had dukes/duchess give out awards, when they are unavailable.
>If it is the case, I can see another set of Royalty being able to hand
>out Grant level awards as a "good thing".
>NOTE: I am not saying that the Crown would not have to approve it, only
>whose hand it comes from at an event.
Burke McCrory
Internet Administrator
Oklahoma Tax Commission
bmccrory at
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