SR - Principality????
cjw at
Mon Jun 22 08:29:58 PDT 1998
HL Gilli had asked:
Please tell me in 100 words or less, "WHY?".
Thank You.
HL Gilbert Ost Westley "Gilli"
Alrighty... here are the reasons most commonly given by those at the PRINCIPALITY MEETINGS we have had as best as I can recall (not necessarily *my* reasons, just *some* reasons):
1. It would be fun... fun to think up new heraldry, names, awards, regalia, as well as the fun involved in saying, "yeah, I was there when that started... as a matter of fact, I helped." See the Principality page for more on this.
2. Although the exact borders are being debated, a common style of play and frequency of play has been noted. The groups included seem to play with each other more than any other groups and some feel that there is a sense of regional family.
3. Since we already have to fill the offices of an arbitrary region, we might as well get the cool stuff that can go with it... names, heraldry, awards, and royalty in the persons of a Prince and Princess. More pageantry.
4. Prestige of offices and titles. "Exchequer of the Principality of Whachagonnanameit" as opposed to "Southern Regional Reeve". More responsibility will be added to these offices (chronicler, reeve, and herald most notably) and with that responsibility comes more recognition.
5. Royal assistance to the Crown in lightening their travel (read: financial) load while still preserving a very high level of presence (and not adding to the landed baronial work load). It has become prohibitively expensive to rule in Ansteorra... ask anybody who's done it recently.
6. In addition to the 'training environment' offered by the Principality offices (as they will more closely mirror the kingdom offices than they do now) the Coronet list will offer fighters the chance to (in Mari's most esteemed words) screw up on a smaller level before they get the chance to screw up on the Kingdom level.
I think I went over a hundred words and I still have a plethora of lesser points from my notes. If anybody feels I've left something out, I'm certain they'll add it in later.
PS. Welcome to the Southern Regional list, Gilli.
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