SR - A Question Concerning Principality
PKieferjr at
PKieferjr at
Tue Jun 23 15:48:50 PDT 1998
Greetings, one and all.
I'd like to address the concerns for and against the Principality
concept.....again......if I may.....
There are those who feel that to divide up a kingdom in such a manner is to
drive a stake in one's heart. I feel that this is an overreaction. To
demonstrate, I offer this mundane example.
Here I am, a citizen of this great country we call THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA, with all that it entails (Bill of Rights, Legislative Branch, etc.).
I will be a citizen and support this country, in its entirity, until the day I
Now, let's move down a step further.....
I am also a resident of the great state of TEXAS, with all that it entails. I
will be a resident and support this state, in its entirity, until the day I
But does that make me any less a citizen of the US?
The answer is no. I still can be a citizen. There is no law that precludes
me from being a cititzen. In fact, since TEXAS is still part of the US, I am
automatically a exceptions. I maintain both loyalties without
any interference.
Now, let's move down yet another step further.....
I am a resident of TRAVIS COUNTY. Same feeling applies to this county.
Am I any less a resident of TEXAS? No. Any less a citizen of the US? No.
Same thing applies here.
One more step......
I live in a neighborhood near Austin called the Twin Creek Trailer Park. I am
its resident. It is my home and, for the moment, will remain so until I die
(or move).
But am I any less a resident of TRAVIS COUNTY? A resident of TEXAS? A
citizen of the USA?
I think you'll find that the answer to all of the above is still "No".
The point that I am making here is that the creation of a territorial sub-
division does not dictate who I am. I do. I have determined that I chose to
be Ansteorran, and, until "I" decide otherwise, I will remain, Ansteorran,
even if it divides into 30 million pieces, until I die, because the kingdom is
If the United States can have 50 states and additional territories and still
be the USA, why can't we have principalities and still be Ansteorra? The West
can do it. My heart won't change or diminish one iota. I'm still ANSTEORRAN,
and nobody can take that away from me.
As to the point of people clamoring for a separate kingdom, I ask: Is your
voice diminished by this wish? Mine sure isn't. Anytime someone wants a
separate kingdom, I'll go ahead and yell, "Don't you dare do this to my
kingdom!!!!" I'll bet you can do the same thing, too. The freedom of speech
is still alive in this country, last time I checked.
As to those who don't want to do the admin work, fine. Send it to me, then.
I'm a paper pusher in mundane life, I might as well be an SCA one at that.
Now, if I'm the only one willing to do any sort of work, what does that say
about the rest of them (of course, I note that there's plenty of peers willing
to do some hard work themselves).
Think about that for awhile.
Lord Johann Kiefer Hayden (Paul E. Kiefer, Jr.)
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