SR - Fw: Lack of Comunication

Tim Lozos dentim at
Wed Jun 24 08:28:40 PDT 1998

>Easy are opening a can of worms.

...actually, I'm opening a can of tomato soup.  :)

  We were at the Southern Regional
>Fighter Practice and never heard a word about the Principality issue. (We
did hear
>complaining that we were not in garb in 104 degree heat)

Great! I'm glad yall came. The purpose of the Practice was to get regional
people together to fight, not to have a principality discussion. That was
never on the books, and if we had, I bet the buzz going around would be
about all the back room deals we did that day (he! he! he!).

  I have said it many many
>times...we live 1 hour from the nearest group.  We have contacted Tempio
>times and have never been made to feel welcome there.  So we do not play
within a
>group.  This does not mean we choose to not be involved.  We are paid
members.  We
>get the Blackstar.  I simple section in the notes in challenges could have been
>posted and I would have seen it.  I have been the Seneschal for Shadowlands
>and a simple phone call from their group would have sufficed.  They get my
>membership in their count....I know I am on their list.    Meghann MacGuire

Since you are paid members, you will get a copy of the Southern regional
newsletter when it comes out. We're planning on doing the first one to every
paid member, free, then soliciting subscriptions for future issues.

As for a note in the Blackstar, well, this practice was put together fairly
last minute. I think it was less than 2 weeks between the first announcement
and the practice. I'm sure now that we are moving further along the road,
that we will have more announcements in the blackstar, in the SR newsletter,
on the net, and through the local Seneschals.

FYI-  The next "Official" Principality meeting is at Shadowlands Harvest
Festival (sept 4-6) with a unoffical "tea" at Gothic Wars the same weekend.

Just a question, but how did you find out about the Regional Practice?


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