SR - A Question Concerning Principality
j'lynn yeates
jyeates at
Wed Jun 24 09:54:13 PDT 1998
On 24 Jun 98, at 11:17, Casey&Coni wrote:
> ... The only thing I can
> think of is that perhaps it was overshadowed by other shire business in
> peoples memories but we DID go and we DID tell everyone to show up
> regardless of whether or not their opinion was pro or con.
> I just don't get it...
there is another possibility ... the P-matter has come up before repeatedly (and with
increasing frequency ... 10+ years) and has never really gotten off the ground as it has
this time round..
i'm seeing a pattern here i have observed in other groups dealing with significant
change in structure and/or direction ... perhaps, when the meeting was announced as
you mention, the people involved consciously (or unconsciously) disgarded the
information figuring it was just another passing thing ... they had seen / heard it all
before and were sure it would'nt amount to anything, so why bother? (exactly the
comments i got from a couple of people when this cycle started ...)
my take on the matter, if it had registered as important, they could easily have
delegated one or more individuals to attend the meeting, gather information, and or
speak out ... as has been mentioned, proxies are a valid way to do this for those
unable to attend, especially if you send them with your chosen representative(s).
next thing they know they start hearing about about this new movement from many
different sources, look into matters and find that it's gone almost overnight from a
simple idea being kicked around to a movement that is becoming increasingly better
organized. at that point it's very easy to feel "left out" or "overlooked" and completely
overwhelmed by the process.
most of the most vocal comments seem to be coming from the anti-P (hmmmm...)
factions ... perhaps it is simply a matter that taking the above into account, they feel
that they are joining the discussions too late to effectively counter all the pro-P
(++hmmm) support that has built up to this point and/or derail the process ??? ....
... When we hunt, we all function with one mind
... - Boingo, Pedestrian Wolves
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