SR - peerage question ...
Galen W. Bevel
galenbv at
Thu Jun 25 17:31:28 PDT 1998
j'lynn yeates wrote:
> On 25 Jun 98, at 8:28, Galen W. Bevel wrote:
> > We can check with some of those who have lived in principalities
> > elsewhere, but I have never heard of one that has a separate circle.
> > Knights swear their fealty to the Crown, not the Coronet, so candidates in
> > a principality are voted on by the knights of the Kingdom, not just the
> > principality. Otherwise, you are absolutely correct, knighthood is
> > granted by the King, not the Prince.
> in a principality situation, then does the peerage process start at the regional
> principality level and then evolve to kingdom level after gaining support? i would gather
> that this is a matter of custom and culture ??? what is the current process ... (i know
> that it tends to change over time)
> 'wolf
Oh well, since the cat has its nose out of the bag, I suppose I should
just dump the poor thing into your lap. Of course you realize that I am
breaking the knights oath of secrecy and may have to give up my decoder
ring for posting this don't you?
The way it generally works is all of us knight types get together with
the Crown and someone says, "Hey, you know Joe over there would make a
pretty good knight....lets do it!" To which everyone else says "What?
That loser? No way! Barf! Gag! Etc.!!!"
Then the one who brought up the candidates name is required to come to
every event with more than 3 knights, drag the King along, and force us
to hold a circle, where he/she will expound upon the said candidates
knightly virtue until we either relent and vote for him/her, or beat the
speaker to death so we can all go to the bathroom to get rid of the beer
we drank before the circle. Usually the latter, thats why you see so
many knights walking around events in the evening, looking like they
have been beaten with big sticks.....
I would imagine that things would happen pretty much the same with or
without a principality.
The somewhat punch-drunk Graf Galen K.
Galen W. or Rebecca Bevel
galenbv at
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