SR - Re: so now we're thieves? ....
Timothy A. McDaniel
tmcd at
Sat Jun 27 21:27:05 PDT 1998
On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, HL Darcy Evaline o Lasgwm (via Bob Dewart
<gilli at>) wrote:
> I didn't go away simply because something I didn't like happened.
However, since the Board is omnipotent in the SCA and unremovable save
by themselves, if the Board goes far enough off-course, the only final
response is stay or go. (Personally, should such a day come, I'd like
to go in a body with friends and we all play an SCA-like game.)
> My membership supports my local shire's and my kingdom's membership
> rolls.
If your shire is not at or near the limit, it doesn't matter whether
any one person is a member or not, because they'll keep their status
regardless. Ansteorra, I believe, is nowhere near the limit, so
similarly your personal membership doesn't matter.
On the other hand, the same logic can be used to "prove" that one
person's vote doesn't matter, but I vote anyway. There's an emotional
aspect to it too, and that can't really be debated. Also, in the case
of voting, extra votes helps my candidate raise more money next time
and avoid challengers more easily.
> My membership supports the SCA locally, at kingdom, nationally and
> internationally.
That I don't see. The local branch doesn't see one penny of your
membership money. The benefits it gets from the corporation are
insurance and incorporation, but that's a small fragment of your
membership. Kingdom gets subscription money, but that's roughly the
same as the cost of the newsletter. There's no national level, eo
nomine. It *does* greatly help the corporation itself.
Then there was a transition to another topic:
> And it seems to me, from what I have read on this mailing
> list, that that is exactly what is happening: those that have
> concerns are being told to go away.
I see hostility from a few of those who have recently come on the list
and feel railroaded, and I have read strong emotional reactions from a
few who don't want to risk splitting Ansteorra. -- In short, from the
anti-P camp. I don't recall seeing rejectionism or hostility from the
pro-P camp.
Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel (home); Reply-To: tmcd at;
if that fail, tmcd at is my work address.
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