SR - call for newsletter info

Michael A. Scofield ivarcat at
Mon Jun 29 05:07:08 PDT 1998

Aquilanne writes:

>Question 1: Are all the SR seneschals on line? I need for each group's
>seneschal to tell me how many copies of the first issue of the Lion's 
>Tale>I will need to send them. 

The Seneschal of Bjornsborg is not on the list. However, if you send me a
copy, I'll make however many we need for Bjornsborg.

>Question 2: How often do you all see this newsletter coming out? 
>Monthly>seems a bit much for now; how about quarterly or every other
>You>guys let me know, as the newsletter is  meant to serve the needs of 

Every other month or quarterly is probably all that is needed right now. 
>Question 3: Who is willing to pose half-naked for the cover of the 
>first>edition? Ivar? ;->
Not me, but I'll bet we can get a good picture of the editor this coming
weekend!! Just ask her what kind of debauchery she will be into!!



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