FW: SR - principality borders

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Wed Mar 18 05:23:18 PST 1998

Lynn Thomson said something that sounded like:
> Has the BOD changed its policy so that they are now open to creating
> more Kingdoms?  If so, there's some reason to Principalities.  

They are against it? Haven't we had several in the recent past made? I
recently thought someone from the BoD (or was it corporate) posted on
the Ansteorran list that there was no rule against it.

> Last I'd heard, the BOD wasn't prepared to allow any more Kingdoms, no
> matter how many Principalities proliferate.  If we can't eventually
> split, each Principality adds six more events a year to the calendar -
> minimum!

Although I only count 4 more events a year required, I don't see that as
a bad thing. (Coronet list and Coronet tourney x 2)

The major advantage in my opinion is *if* we have Principalities, then
we have more Royalty to help greet the masses.

It does mean a lot more work. The Regionals have to actually produce
something as Principality officers. We *have* to have 4 more grand events
a year. We *have* to have a full slate of Principality officers. We *have*
to do a lot of work. We *have* to ...

Can *we* do it?

Bryn Gwlad can't do it alone. Bjornsborg can't do it alone. Raven's Fort
can't do it alone. No single group can do it alone.

If we don't work together, we can't do it at all.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
House Flaming Dog     |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at pug.net           |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
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