SR - Academy of the Courtier retry...

Pug Bainter pug at
Wed Oct 7 06:48:29 PDT 1998

Good Morning,

  I tried to get answers to this a week and a half ago, but didn't get
  any response. It's only a month til the event, do we have any
  information now? Anyone?

  I know at the meeting the other night here in Bryn Gwlad that it was
  mentioned that there was a class list, although not a schedule. Would
  it be possible to have this made available to those people around here
  so we can see what is available by whom? As well, is a rough schedule
  of events available to know when things get started/end? I honestly
  don't know if this event is just classes or if there are other

  As well, since I thought this was an actual working stable facility, is
  there camping that is not in a horse pasture and/or run area? (It's just
  so smelly to setup on top of horse droppings.)

  I'm still trying to decide if we want to go to this event and some of
  this will be the deciding factor. We're having to be picky about events
  due to finances, but we like to try and support "local" events.

  Thanks to anyone who can help with info. I decided to send this public
  since I thought these could be issues others were thinking of themself.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  |  "I know that I will never be politically correct
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |   I don't give a damn about my lack of etiquette
House Flaming Dog     |   As far as I'm concerned the world could still be flat"
pug at           |   --Meatloaf
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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