SR - Assassination coronets

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Tue Oct 20 22:09:56 PDT 1998

Thank you, Aquilanne.  I indeed screwed up the meaning beyond all
recognition, by typing too fast with no proofreading and assuming too
much from the previous discussion.  Please let me try again.

In period, certain fiefs were always reserved for heirs to a kingdom:
the Dauphin{e'}e, the Duchy of Cornwall, the Principality of Wales, et
cetera.  The heirs apparent of our SCA principality, when named in
court as such, might similarly receive a specific barony in fief.
This would be a consenting barony, of course, permanently reserved as
the tanist/a's fief.  The heirs apparent would be known by that title
until they became Prince and Princess.  They'd regrant it when they in
their turn had heirs apparent.  (Actually, by Corpora the Crown would
grant / revoke it upon the counsel of the Coronet.)

Actually, I semi-seriously suggested it in a case in the Middle, where
one of the major problems with a group going barony was "who will be
the founding baron/ess?".  If nobody *chooses* who the founders will
be, then no political debate will arise about who deserves it.

I'm just saying how a period practice might be adapted to the SCA.
I don't expect such a plan to actually be *adopted*, mind you.

Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel (home); Reply-To: tmcd at; 
if that fail, tmcd at is my work address.

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